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Jana LaCaze

Administrative Assistant

Jana LaCaze

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"My worth to God in public is what I am in private."  No truer words can be said about our Christian walk.

I have been a member at Cookson since 2013 during which time this sweet church family has held my hand through the loss of loved ones and through the joy of marrying again.   And, although I have moved my membership to First Baptist Church of Stilwell where my husband is the Music Minister, the CBC fellowship still treats me as one of their own.  What a fellowship!  What a Joy Divine!

My life's scripture is I Samuel 16:1 which, as I like to say in "Jana speak" says, "Fill your horn, Go to Bethlehem, I will provide ."  God always fulfills His promises to guide us and guard us.  What He calls us to do, He also equips us to do.  

I am honored to serve as a fellow worker at Cookson.  JL